Codelocks CL400 Mechanical Lock – Front & Back Plate Only, PVD Stainless Steel


BrandCodelocks Ltd
Special featurePasscode Unlock
Lock typeKeypad

About This Item

  • Internal doors and external doors
  • Front and back plates only – for use with existing mortice latch or lock
  • Lever handle lock for doors hung on the left or right
  • Available in stainless steel and polished brass
  • Use in offices / schools / warehouses / hospitals / care homes / nurseries / hotels / leisure facilities / the home
Availability: 5 in stock Category:


Technical Details

Product Description

The CL400 are front and back plates only. For use with existing mortice latch or lock. The existing lock must have 22mm fixing hole below the follower (spindle) The CL400 coded plates are supplied with a random code commencing with the ‘C’ clear button. To change the code after fitting, the lock must first be removed from the door. The code is non sequential, that is the code can be entered in any order e.g. 1234 can be 4321 or 1342 or whatever is the most convenient sequence. With the 13 buttons a total of 8,191 different codes are available, any of which may be entered in any order.

IMPORTANT: Before ordering a Codelocks Front/Back plate set for use on an existing lock case, the current lock case must be tested to ensure it is compatible. Click here for instruction. * CL400/405 does not require a separate installation template. Please use the neoprene seal that comes with the product.


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